About us
datastrudel…weird name, isn’t it? Then again who are we to judge? Each of us is weird in all kinds of ways, and yet somehow we are all pretty similar. But often the weird stuff is the most interesting…
We are Nadine Gorr and Daniel Rowlands. One of the weird things about us is that we love data and what it can tell us. We are especially fond of cool tools like Tableau and Alteryx, and how they help us swirl data up and bake it into tasty treats…a bit like a strudel. So we would like to write about this, learn more about it and share what we learn with you. We met while working together in the German HQ of Thomas Cook and enjoyed it so much that we couldn’t bear not to continue collaborating once our subsequent jobs took us in different directions.
One common thread running through our work is diversity. This captures a little bit of who we are and a little bit of what’s important to us. It also gives us a handy catch all word so we can shamelessly veer off onto any topic we feel like from time to time 🙂 We hope you enjoy what we do!